Cats Have No Lord

Won’t Someone Think of the d100 Polearms?

Inspired by a bit of a joke on the NSR Cauldron Discord, I sat down this week to make a list of d100 polearms. However, after briefly looking and the infinite variety of polearms that have existed, I decided a much more interesting table would be useful/magical polearms, and so this table was born.

The shape of the blade isn’t really important to most of these, so go wild picking a cool one, like one of these in the image below, then roll on the table to find out what it does.

Cats Have No Lord

Result Type Description
1 Addictive After using the weapon once, the bearer is drawn to use it increasingly often
2 Affectionate Inhabited by a spirit that forms a deep bond with the bearer after being with them for 24 hours. Whispers affirmations to the bearer and refuses to be used by others.
3 Angry Inhabited by a rage-filled spirit and often yelling for little to no cause.
4 Antlered Blade is bronzed antlers. Stags fear the bearer and begrudgingly obey commands, but will look for a way to get revenge.
5 Aromatic Shaft constantly gives off a pleasant scent, a mix of warm fresh bread and rose petals.
6 Avenging Deals extra damage to targets that previously harmed the bearer.
7 Biting Blade is shaped like an alligator mouth and may bite down on a target at will. Very difficult to remove after biting.
8 Bristling Makes the bearer's hair bristle when danger is near.
9 Brushing Blade is covered in stiff bristles and may be used as a hard brush.
10 Cabbage Blade is a head of cabbage. Effective at bludgeoning but may fall off. Will regrow after one day. May be eaten.
11 Camouflaged While holding the weapon, the bearer becomes more difficult to see, blending in with their surroundings
12 Chiming Blades makes a pure, bell-like chime every time it strikes a solid surface.
13 Chopping Blade may be used effectively as an axe without dulling the edge.
14 Climbing Blade is a grappling hook attached to 25 ft. of thin but strong rope inside the shaft. Spring-loaded and may be fired with a button on the shaft.
15 Complimentary Inhabited by a kind spirit that loves to give out insightful compliments.
16 Constrictive Shaft can turn into a constrictor snake for up to 10 minutes. Obeys simple commands. Requires food while in snake form to be able to shift again.
17 Cool Emanates cold, keeping the bearer comfortable in hot conditions.
18 Cromulent A perfectly normal and unremarkable weapon that appears incredibly old and valuable.
19 Dazzling Blade is set with jewels, causing those looking at it to become dazed if it is reflecting light
20 Detachable Blade may be removed from shaft and used as a one-handed weapon
21 Digging Blade may be used effectively as a shovel without dulling its edge.
22 Discombobulating Targets touched by the blade become incredibly confused for 10 minutes
23 Divining Once per day the blade will answer one yes/no question truthfully, glowing green for yes or red for no.
24 Dowsing Handle splits, forming a Y shape with the blade at the base. Can find hidden sources of fresh water with 20 minutes spent walking around holding the handles loosely and following their lead.
25 Dreamy The bearer has strange and vivid dreams every night after using the weapon. 1-in-6 chance valuable information is revealed in the dream.
26 Elastic Shaft may stretch up to twice it's normal length
27 Energizing A target cut by the blade is energized and may go up to 36 hours without rest with no adverse effects. Repeated uses less than a week apart require an extended period of recovery after, equal to double the amount of time spent without rest.
28 Extendable Shaft may shift in length at will to any length between 1 and 10 ft.
29 Farspeaking Amplifies the bearers voice to be heard three times as far away as normal.
30 Farstepping Allows the bearer to teleport up to 20 ft. away to a point in sight.
31 Fast growing Blade causes any plant it touches to grow the equivalent of 1 year in 10 seconds
32 Feeding An item of food touched by the blade is duplicated. The same item cannot be duplicated more than once. Duplicates are nutritious but tasteless.
33 Finding Can sense hidden objects, and rumbles slightly when any are present nearby. Rumbles become stronger as the weapon approaches the hidden object.
34 Firestarting Blade may generate small magical sparks at will. Enough only to light tinder for a fire or other highly flammable objects.
35 Flowering Shaft grows colorful flowers that bloom each sunrise and wilt each sunset.
36 Fluffy Shaft is covered in fluffy, fur-like growth. Keeps hand nice and warm.
37 Flying May be ridden, flying quickly and as high as you dare, but difficult to hold onto.
38 Foggy Blade constantly emits a small amount of fog. Once per day it may release a dense cloud of fog.
39 Forecasting Once per hour the mirror-like blade shows images of notable weather to be expected in the next hour.
40 Friendly Makes others slightly more friendly to the bearer.
41 Fruiting Shaft grows d4 apples (or other fruit of your choice) each sunrise. They rot if not eaten before sunset the same day.
42 Fungal Shaft is always a bit damp and sprouts various small fungi. 2-in-6 chance a fungus picked from the shaft is poisonous.
43 Golddigging Blade attracts all gold within 10 ft., quickly causing its weight to become unbearable if there is too much gold.
44 Golden Very valuable, but not great at holding a sharp edge.
45 Grabbing Blade is shaped like a hand. Effective for bludgeoning and may also grab objects at will.
46 Hydrophobic Blade repels water.
47 Illuminating Blade can cast light equivalent to a torch at will, but it is extinguished the moment it is used in combat.
48 Imaging At will the blade may capture an image of whatever it is reflecting. That image will remain on the blade for 24 hours.
49 Immaculate Remains perfectly clean at all times regardless of any substances it comes in contact with.
50 Immovable Once the blade is stuck into a surface it cannot be moved except at the will of the bearer.
51 Improbable Odds of rare events increase within 100 ft. of the weapon
52 Inquisitive Inhabited by a curious spirit that asks questions frequently, perhaps too frequently.
53 Intoxicating Blade turns any liquid it touches into alcohol the strength of wine but tasting of copper.
54 Invisible May be difficult to find if dropped.
55 Jumping Allows the bearer to jump twice their normal jumping height.
56 Ladder Twisting the blade extends small hand and footholds on either side of the shaft. May be used as a ladder if properly secured.
57 Loathesome Incites disgust in all creatures within 50 ft.
58 Lockpicking Blade has a set of embedded and detachable lockpicking tools. Tools are generally safe during combat, but could be knocked out in unfortunate circumstances.
59 Loud Screams loudly if separated from the bearer more than 5 minutes.
60 Magnetic Blade may become strongly magnetized at will.
61 Magnifying Blade has a magnifying glass set in the center. Glass is hardened and generally safe in combat, but could shatter under unfortunate circumstances.
62 Melodic Blade sings a beautiful melody when being used for violent means.
63 Messenger The blade may speak but only to repeat a phrase of up to 20 words whispered to it. If desired, it may be limited to one recipient of the message
64 Misting Blade constantly sheds a light mist of water. May direct a stronger spray for a few seconds at will.
65 Opening Once per day may open a door struck by the blade, even if locked
66 Oxygenating Shaft emits oxygen directly into the bloodstream of the bearer, allowing them to stop breathing with no adverse effects.
67 Phasing Can phase through an object or creature to strike a target on the other side.
68 Prismatic Blade is an unknown crystal that acts as a prism, a rainbow shining from one side when exposed to light
69 Prying Blade can pry open any stuck container.
70 Purifying Blade magically purifies any liquid it is placed into, removing poisons or other harmful compounds.
71 Quiet Always makes all sounds caused by the bearer slightly more quiet than normal. Once per day it may silence all sounds caused by the bearer for up to 10 minutes.
72 Reeking Shaft constantly gives off a wretched smell, a mix of feces and vinegar.
73 Regal Very nice looking blade makes the bearer appear to others as a higher social status.
74 Remembering A message of up to 20 words whispered to the blade will be displayed in text on the blade until replaced with a new message.
75 Returning Flies back to the bearer after being thrown, most of the time. 1-in-20 chance it will fly off in a random direction instead.
76 Scholarly The bearer has a 1-in-6 chance of knowing any piece of information regardless of if they learned it previously.
77 Seafaring Broad blade may be used as a paddle in watercraft.
78 Seasonal Blade changes shape and color to match the current season.
79 Seasoning Blade adds perfect seasoning to any food it touches.
80 Sending An identical pair of weapons. Words spoken to one are emitted from the other regardless of the distance separating the two.
81 Shadowcasting When casting a shadow, the blade may take on any shape wished by the bearer.
82 Shiny Very, very shiny
83 Shrewd Provides shrewd advice in tense business transactions
84 Signaling A flag attached to the shaft may change colors at will. Very tough fabric is difficult, but not impossible, to remove or damage.
85 Slicing When wielded carefully, blade may slice objects as thin as a hair in half.
86 Soporific Targets touched by the blade instantly fall asleep, waking up 5 minutes later.
87 Steadfast When used as a tentpole, the tent cannot collapse under any circumstances.
88 Surefooted When used as a walking stick, the bearer will not slip or fall, regardless of the terrain.
89 syzygal Deals extra damage when three celestial bodies in the area are aligned
90 Thorny Shaft may turn into a thorny vine, which may be commanded to wrap around a nearby target
91 Throwing Blade is shaped like a bowl and may be used to throw small objects.
92 Timekeeping Blade displays numerals tracking the current time.
93 Translating Blade can translate the speech of any creature to be understandable to the bearer, but only if that creature's blood is on the blade
94 Twirling If spun at any angle with part of the weapon touching a solid surface it will remain spinning at that angle indefinitely at the same speed.
95 Unanticipated Targets never expect they will be struck by this weapon
96 Warding A line drawn on a surface by the blade blocks passage to any creatures intending to harm the bearer for up to one hour.
97 Warm Emanates warmth, keeping the bearer comfortable in cold conditions.
98 Wayfinding After naming a destination, the bearer may throw the weapon and it will fly 50 ft. in the direction of the easiest path to the named destination.
99 Wise Inhabited by a wise spirit that likes to give sage life advice, perhaps too often and at the wrong hours, and not always accurate.
100 Wooden Blade and shaft are one piece carved from a hard, dark red wood. As sharp as metal.